Sunday, March 20, 2016

Having an average weekend.

Hey gang, sorry for being so silent (if anyone is reading).

The last two weeks have been some despairing lows and hopeful highs. My lows mostly consisted of feeling directionless, existential angst, and the feeling of loss over an old friend whom I hadn't seen in years, and finding out that she had just died of cancer. It really hit me hard, since you never really think of someone you know as disappearing from the world forever until it happens. You can joke about it, but when it happens, it's such a blow to reality that it's hard to adjust to. I will say it lit a fire under my ass to be even more productive since awful things can happen whenever, and you don't want to be left standing unprepared when it comes.

So I finally transferred into University. Instead of waiting for CSUN to get around to accepting me so I can sit in a class for maybe 4 more years, I signed on for online classes at ASU. So far, using an online interface is so much nicer than having to be the only one paying attention in a sea full of blank faced droolers fresh from high school staring at their phones. So I decided on finishing my original goal of getting my degree in English, focusing on creative writing. I've already been too long without a degree, and getting by for a decent day job these days isn't as easy as it used to be.

And of course with the enrolling of online classes, the charger of my laptop broke, so I used it as an excuse to upgrade at last. I'd been using a Chromebook for 4 years anyway. I needed something that I could do some real work on.

So, now I'm splitting time doing more reading and school work, opposed to doing more work on To Slice To Sky. Instead, I worked on editing a couple short stories for publication. Working on cleaning up the shorts I've previously released in Urban Legends and By Starlight for the omnibus collections once TSTS is released. The shorts I've been working on are meant to be published traditionally, but will also see light in the first short collection of The Lilim Chronicles wave 2.

I'm not really focused on creating anything new at the moment. More legitimizing my already completed work and getting it in front of eyes. I finally feel like I'm in a place to make that magic happen, and am finally feeling hopeful for the future in a substantial way.

In videogame news, I've completed Devil May Cry 4, only have number 2 left to complete the series. DMC4 was a fun game to play, and would love to have seen Nero and the Devil Bringer/Exceed moves in another installment of the series. Going from Nero to Dante mid game really kinda feels like taking all the fun you've been having and holding it ransom to play through the game backwards before you get the privilege to play again. DMC4 mostly suffered from lopsided level design, and the enemies lack decent balancing. But the gameplay is so fun and fluid that it makes up for it.

So, yeah, depression, school, editing and videogames. Sounds like an average week for me. Have a dog picture.

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