Monday, March 7, 2016

Fuck titles, I'm not sharing this.

Almost forgot it was this part of the week again.

This week was an effective week in some regards, not so much in others. I finished beta-reading my friend's first work he finished. I've never really had the privilege of reading anything literary from one of my friends. It's interesting being able to read something and know what their influences are without having to dig for it. I found it to be a satisfying experience, and I'm glad he's putting some work into something creative again.

Haven't progressed any in my Resident Evil playthrough, but I've already cleared all but 2 Devil May Cry games. Last week I played DmC: Devil May Cry. This week I powered through Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening and Devil May Cry. I've Started up Devil May Cry 4, and only have no.2 to go after that. It helps that the games are meant to be completed as quickly as possible. But I'll be hot damned if DMC3 and the original didn't have me work for that ending.

The blog is late since I just started working on chapter 5 of To Slice The Sky's rewrites. I've been rewriting chapter 1 again, and I feel it's considerably stronger this time around. I'm not going to post it, because I've already done a chapter 1, but I'm looking at having to change up some stuff in chapters 2 and 3 because of the changes. It's a lot faster, less boring infodump crap, and also gives my stalwart aging punk rocker that I keep throwing into everything, Johnny Marko, another introduction. He pops up in the later chapters as well, so I figured it'd be better to introduce him early instead of waiting for it and relying on outside material.

I don't have anything else positive to say right now though. I've been on a downswing into depression which has only been progressing with all the awful news that keeps popping into my personal life. And as of right now, I really don't feel like saying anymore. I really don't feel like going all dramatic in my writer blog about the inner turmoil I'm currently experiencing, because if I start now, it's never going to stop.

All I can say is everyone you meet in your life will effect you in some way, and when you realize it, you'll wish you did the same to them.

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