Monday, March 28, 2016

To-Do Eternity

Almost forgot about this thing.

So, last week was another hard focus on classwork and writing new things for my fiction workshop. I'm building up a story from a first line I wrote for a reddit thread last year. I took a quick diversion from it last week, and wrote something incredibly disjointed and it wasn't as well received. So this week I'm going to be working up the rest of my original story.

I'm a little bummed that it's a workshop for literary fiction, but it's refreshing finally not writing something so mired in genre tropes. Even though I try to write genre fiction like a literary fiction comic book, so you know, ripping off Alan Moore.

In videogame news, I've been screwing around in The Division with my friend instead of being productive in my off time. I reopened up my account and am going to start streaming when I'm playing on the ole' XBone. As for now, I've got about 6 hours of playing Division and 2.5 of me tooling around in Fallout 4. I haven't touched Devil May Cry 2 or Resident Evil Revelations 2 either. But I'm definitely going to be doing a broadcast through the TellTale Games collection and the new Fallout 4 DLC.

I'm all set up with my new computer, so I've at least opened up my word file for chapter 5 to get back to rewrites. Entering into the second quarter of the year, I need to get a move on that business. Life is full of possibilities and adventures, but that means I have less time for writing. I'll be back to posting new material soon.

Until next week folks. I've got some work ahead of me.

And my dog is getting his teeth cleaned today. Here's a picture of his stinky face.

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