So, how that I'm in the trade and releasing material, It's high time I have a home on the internet. So this here is your one stop shop for all the things I create for you to enjoy. I'll also be sharing notes, giving insights into the world, and whatever else comes ripping through my head at the time.
My short story collection, Urban Legends of the Future is a perfect stepping stone into the world of The Lilim. You can buy it on Amazon currently, and Smashwords soon. It's six short stories set at the end of the century in a world where monsters (The Lilim) are real but humanity doesn't care that they exist.

Kindle version.
Paperback version on Createspace.
UK paperback & Kindle link.
If you or someone you know is into cyberpunk, science fiction, urban fantasy, or horror, this read is for you.
I also have a collection of poetry being released soon. Keep posted to this place for further news on all releases.
Also in the pipeline is the follow up to Urban Legends of the Future. A novella and short story bundle titled By Starlight-Before Dawn. The end of this wave in the Lilim Chronicles concludes with the novel To Slice the Sky. All of which are written and in the editing process.
So now that I've shilled wares, and given you a taste of what's to come, it's time to close this post. Be well, dear reader.
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