New year, new goals, and new grasp of reality.
I wanted to call this shit quits because I really got down on myself for not creating anything last year. Really, I've just been wrapped up in life, but I can only use that as an excuse so much. At least this year is starting to close some long overdue chapters in my life, so with that hopefully comes more freedom to achieve my goals.
I've stripped down my online presence and gutted my ebooks because I've been disappointed in their quality. I'll leave the print versions untouched, but I'm going to finally start releasing the individual shorts that have been rewritten. The last two years of only getting one publication has shown me that the story buying public doesn't want what I'm selling in their current form, so I've decided to put down my idea of the Lilim series and just start writing whatever comes to me. The thought of building a whole universe, while nice and already in place, I'm tired of trying to sell a whole series idea in multiple disjointed forms. So, to add some cohesiveness, I've pared down my writing endeavors into the following: Edit and release my individual shorts as chapbooks and ebooks, Release a physical and ebook version of To Slice The Sky, Edit and release my Space Western, and lastly, Work on the comic script for Cold Cases.
I feel that after Blade Runner 2049 and Bright have been released to limited fanfare, my cyberpunk/urban fantasy conglomerate idea is kinda dead in the water with its bedfellows. But really, it's time I stopped talking about wanting to write a comic book and fucking write a comic book.
So since I'm putting a pin in the Lilim Chronicles, I'm also revamping my author presence online and have regressed into this state. So, the blog will be going through some URL changes shortly to something easier to remember. This is also not so much a, "I want to sell people stuff," page as it is my personal blog, so while this is written as if someone is reading it, it's really more of a personal blog in the vein of early '00s online diaries. Neatoreato.
Anyway, That's all I need to get off my chest. Until next time.
Spiderwebs and Circuitry
News, events and pretentious rambling from creator Chris B. Bollweg.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
What a fucking year.
I don't think I actually achieved anything I really set out to do this year, but upon introspection, that seems to not be the case. Really nothing that I succeeded at could be considered worthwhile in the grand scheme of things, but let's be honest with ourselves, what is?
So I'm finally, finally, looking down the barrel of my last semester of university. I just have spring 2018 to complete and I'll have my BA in English and gearing up to begin my teaching credential program in the Fall. I started working at a charter school where I'm a teaching assistant for 6th grade. That's been a mixed bag of weird and awesome. While it's stressful at times, the kids are awesome, and I feel like I'm in a place where I belong for a change. This is the first job I've had where I haven't repeated my usual litany of, "I hate this place, I want to go home," within the first three weeks.
I had my one publishing credit happen this year for my short "Suicide Queen", but I count that as an achievement of last year since it got accepted last December and printed this summer. I didn't finish NaNoWriMo this year, with school, work, wedding planning, social obligations, on top of plain exhaustion and laziness got in the way of that one. Because everyone wants you to follow your dreams as long as it doesn't interfere with their lives...
Much like you, I also spent a good majority of the year outraged at the deconstruction of the world as it should be into the world we always knew it was. The swamp has been drained and all the gators and snakes are exposed, looking to eat the first thing that comes near it.
I didn't read nearly enough. I think I finished maybe three books, including ones I was supposed to have read for class. I did read a shit ton of scholarly articles though, so that's cool. Maybe I should go out of my way to read more short fiction so I can have the feeling of completion. Granted, the majority of short fiction I've read in the last few years has been like wading in a lukewarm pool. It's only offensive because you're certain there's piss in the water. Everything I've read that's been exciting has been from years long past predicting the crumbling state of the world we're currently inhabiting.
I've started getting migraines, so that's fun. I also haven't really been very strong as far as my cooking game goes either. It seems like 2017 is where I let all of my passions and joys wither and grow stagnant as I attended to real life. Not like it matters to you, but it's a realization I just had. I haven't been inspired much to create anything which is the polar opposite I was hoping would happen.
About the only thing I've succeeded at this year was raising my gamerscore and attending cinema events. I'm apprehensive about the Disney/Fox merger, even though I've wanted a Marvel Studios Fantastic Four and Avengers v. X-Men/House of M films. I'm worried for the future of streaming technology with the upcoming Disney streaming service and what it means for Netflix and Hulu (aside from the Fox and Disney content strewn across both services) in the wake of Net Neutrality's crumbling state. Granted, with the current state of Hollywood finally acknowledging the corruption and sleaziness of casting couch culture, who even knows what we have waiting for us in 2018. Maybe a year of reckoning? Maybe?... holding out for hope.
On the videogame front, I can't help but feel that this generation of consoles have only brought more tepid releases that lack the innovation and magic of the previous generation. We're 4 years deep into the current cycle, and while we've gotten some awesome games, nothing is pushing the envelope. More safety, nostalgia, familiarity, just like everything else. It's not like the games are bad, we're just stuck in a logarithmic formula state of creation across all boards and I'm too old to waste time digging through the underground all the time for sparks of creative fire. I know they exist, but finding them is a pain in the ass. When I was a teenager and had nothing better to do than read music magazines, post on message boards, and scroll through pages of unknown artists looking for someone that flicks my switches.
This may seem petty to be bummed about, but I feel stuck in the mainstream. Everything that I used to love in the slipstream has gained clout along with time. While I should take solace that I was right, and I really did have awesome taste all along, it always feels so alienating to have something you felt was special and definitive be co-opted by newcomers that change the definition of what it was to be a fan. There used to be a time where you were a nerd for loving Star Wars. Now we're fighting over the true essence of Luke Skywalker's character in the wake of The Last Jedi, and while I thought the film was fantastic (granted, Rian Johnson can film grass grow for 2 hours and I'd watch it) it's just a stark reminder that the world is no longer mine and it's time to let go of feeling special.
Or maybe I'm really falling prey to the Steve-O, SLC Punk syndrome, and I've really been a goddamn poser this entire time and I needed a wake up call about 20 years ago.
At least mainstream TV has still been awesome, granted I mostly watch popular shows and Marvel properties as of late. I loved Defenders and Punisher and have been thoroughly digging on Runaways even with the strong deviations from the first story arc. Once I found out they were making a Runaways show, I was already on board. I love Brian K. Vaughn's work, and was a fan of the comic series when it first came out (sadly, I stopped buying comics in the mid '00s). Otherwise, I haven't really jumped on any new shows.
This all started out as a talk about what I achieved this year, and mostly it was in achievement hunting form. I managed to raise my gamer score to a current 90474 G. I managed to complete all the series playthroughs I'd set out for myself. I blazed through a shit ton of Telltale Games series, pretty much all but the 2nd seasons of Batman (which I still have to play episode 3 until 4 & 5 release) and Minecaft: Story Mode (which my save got deleted for season 1 so I have to replay that before I start on s.2 because I'm insistent on shit like that). I upgraded to Civilization VI, so I've been playing that for hours on end as well, despite taking advantage of the Steam summer and Black Friday sales.
For my proposed series completions, I knocked out: Resident Evil (of which 7 was a highlight and look forward to going through it again. Top 3 in the series: 2, 1 [REmake], 7), The Arkham series (Almost 100% achievements on City and Knight. One away for Knight), Gears of War (finally played Judgement and 4. Judgement was garbage and forgettable, 4 was really cool, but FUCK SNATCHERS. Top 3: 1, 3, 4), both South Park games (The Fractured but Whole was obviously where all the season 20/21 side plots were heading towards), both Dishonored games (2 was alright. Only did 1 playthrough as Emily. Not a big fan of her magic skills compared to Corvo's in 1), a competitionist playthrough of all 4 Mass Effect games (Andromeda's Insanity mode was way too easy), all the Halo's except 5 (still haven't bought 5. Top 3: 3, ODST, 2), the BioShock series (1 is still my favorite), and the Deus Ex series (unfortunately, Deus Ex on PS2. I've since bought it on Steam and will be doing my next playthrough the right way on PC).
I never did finish my "history of the FPS" playthrough, and kinda gave up after I played Half-Life. I'm alright with this. I'm not a huge FPS dude anyway, so I was content with reading a few retrospectives on the genre. Pretty much, I ended up playing all the big titles in the genre anyway, and everything else was window dressing. Though one FPS I haven't started yet, but probably will next, is Wolfenstein II. I loved The New Order, was underwhelmed by The Old Blood, but have heard nothing but glorious words about the latest entry into the long running Nazi-killing series. If it's anywhere as fun as New Order, I'm already on board.
Really, all of these playthroughs are just excuses to get me to actually get my money's worth out of all the media I buy. If I don't make it into a thing, I'll just make excuses and never get around to actually using the things that I buy. I can't abide by that. Now I just have to do that with my literature. Maybe 2018 will be a year of reading and writing.
I don't think I actually achieved anything I really set out to do this year, but upon introspection, that seems to not be the case. Really nothing that I succeeded at could be considered worthwhile in the grand scheme of things, but let's be honest with ourselves, what is?
So I'm finally, finally, looking down the barrel of my last semester of university. I just have spring 2018 to complete and I'll have my BA in English and gearing up to begin my teaching credential program in the Fall. I started working at a charter school where I'm a teaching assistant for 6th grade. That's been a mixed bag of weird and awesome. While it's stressful at times, the kids are awesome, and I feel like I'm in a place where I belong for a change. This is the first job I've had where I haven't repeated my usual litany of, "I hate this place, I want to go home," within the first three weeks.
I had my one publishing credit happen this year for my short "Suicide Queen", but I count that as an achievement of last year since it got accepted last December and printed this summer. I didn't finish NaNoWriMo this year, with school, work, wedding planning, social obligations, on top of plain exhaustion and laziness got in the way of that one. Because everyone wants you to follow your dreams as long as it doesn't interfere with their lives...
Much like you, I also spent a good majority of the year outraged at the deconstruction of the world as it should be into the world we always knew it was. The swamp has been drained and all the gators and snakes are exposed, looking to eat the first thing that comes near it.
I didn't read nearly enough. I think I finished maybe three books, including ones I was supposed to have read for class. I did read a shit ton of scholarly articles though, so that's cool. Maybe I should go out of my way to read more short fiction so I can have the feeling of completion. Granted, the majority of short fiction I've read in the last few years has been like wading in a lukewarm pool. It's only offensive because you're certain there's piss in the water. Everything I've read that's been exciting has been from years long past predicting the crumbling state of the world we're currently inhabiting.
I've started getting migraines, so that's fun. I also haven't really been very strong as far as my cooking game goes either. It seems like 2017 is where I let all of my passions and joys wither and grow stagnant as I attended to real life. Not like it matters to you, but it's a realization I just had. I haven't been inspired much to create anything which is the polar opposite I was hoping would happen.
About the only thing I've succeeded at this year was raising my gamerscore and attending cinema events. I'm apprehensive about the Disney/Fox merger, even though I've wanted a Marvel Studios Fantastic Four and Avengers v. X-Men/House of M films. I'm worried for the future of streaming technology with the upcoming Disney streaming service and what it means for Netflix and Hulu (aside from the Fox and Disney content strewn across both services) in the wake of Net Neutrality's crumbling state. Granted, with the current state of Hollywood finally acknowledging the corruption and sleaziness of casting couch culture, who even knows what we have waiting for us in 2018. Maybe a year of reckoning? Maybe?... holding out for hope.
On the videogame front, I can't help but feel that this generation of consoles have only brought more tepid releases that lack the innovation and magic of the previous generation. We're 4 years deep into the current cycle, and while we've gotten some awesome games, nothing is pushing the envelope. More safety, nostalgia, familiarity, just like everything else. It's not like the games are bad, we're just stuck in a logarithmic formula state of creation across all boards and I'm too old to waste time digging through the underground all the time for sparks of creative fire. I know they exist, but finding them is a pain in the ass. When I was a teenager and had nothing better to do than read music magazines, post on message boards, and scroll through pages of unknown artists looking for someone that flicks my switches.
This may seem petty to be bummed about, but I feel stuck in the mainstream. Everything that I used to love in the slipstream has gained clout along with time. While I should take solace that I was right, and I really did have awesome taste all along, it always feels so alienating to have something you felt was special and definitive be co-opted by newcomers that change the definition of what it was to be a fan. There used to be a time where you were a nerd for loving Star Wars. Now we're fighting over the true essence of Luke Skywalker's character in the wake of The Last Jedi, and while I thought the film was fantastic (granted, Rian Johnson can film grass grow for 2 hours and I'd watch it) it's just a stark reminder that the world is no longer mine and it's time to let go of feeling special.
Or maybe I'm really falling prey to the Steve-O, SLC Punk syndrome, and I've really been a goddamn poser this entire time and I needed a wake up call about 20 years ago.
At least mainstream TV has still been awesome, granted I mostly watch popular shows and Marvel properties as of late. I loved Defenders and Punisher and have been thoroughly digging on Runaways even with the strong deviations from the first story arc. Once I found out they were making a Runaways show, I was already on board. I love Brian K. Vaughn's work, and was a fan of the comic series when it first came out (sadly, I stopped buying comics in the mid '00s). Otherwise, I haven't really jumped on any new shows.
This all started out as a talk about what I achieved this year, and mostly it was in achievement hunting form. I managed to raise my gamer score to a current 90474 G. I managed to complete all the series playthroughs I'd set out for myself. I blazed through a shit ton of Telltale Games series, pretty much all but the 2nd seasons of Batman (which I still have to play episode 3 until 4 & 5 release) and Minecaft: Story Mode (which my save got deleted for season 1 so I have to replay that before I start on s.2 because I'm insistent on shit like that). I upgraded to Civilization VI, so I've been playing that for hours on end as well, despite taking advantage of the Steam summer and Black Friday sales.
For my proposed series completions, I knocked out: Resident Evil (of which 7 was a highlight and look forward to going through it again. Top 3 in the series: 2, 1 [REmake], 7), The Arkham series (Almost 100% achievements on City and Knight. One away for Knight), Gears of War (finally played Judgement and 4. Judgement was garbage and forgettable, 4 was really cool, but FUCK SNATCHERS. Top 3: 1, 3, 4), both South Park games (The Fractured but Whole was obviously where all the season 20/21 side plots were heading towards), both Dishonored games (2 was alright. Only did 1 playthrough as Emily. Not a big fan of her magic skills compared to Corvo's in 1), a competitionist playthrough of all 4 Mass Effect games (Andromeda's Insanity mode was way too easy), all the Halo's except 5 (still haven't bought 5. Top 3: 3, ODST, 2), the BioShock series (1 is still my favorite), and the Deus Ex series (unfortunately, Deus Ex on PS2. I've since bought it on Steam and will be doing my next playthrough the right way on PC).
I never did finish my "history of the FPS" playthrough, and kinda gave up after I played Half-Life. I'm alright with this. I'm not a huge FPS dude anyway, so I was content with reading a few retrospectives on the genre. Pretty much, I ended up playing all the big titles in the genre anyway, and everything else was window dressing. Though one FPS I haven't started yet, but probably will next, is Wolfenstein II. I loved The New Order, was underwhelmed by The Old Blood, but have heard nothing but glorious words about the latest entry into the long running Nazi-killing series. If it's anywhere as fun as New Order, I'm already on board.
Really, all of these playthroughs are just excuses to get me to actually get my money's worth out of all the media I buy. If I don't make it into a thing, I'll just make excuses and never get around to actually using the things that I buy. I can't abide by that. Now I just have to do that with my literature. Maybe 2018 will be a year of reading and writing.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
No need for alarm
I've been neglecting my blog for a while, and at this point, while it's a constant itch in the back of my mind, I'm starting to wonder why something I enjoy doing has been a point of procrastination. After much blogular introspection, I've decided that it may be best if instead of a schedule I can fail at, I should get back to my idea of whenever I feel compelled to post an update, I'll do one, and otherwise, this is more of a backdrop to my greater internet presence. That way, it seems more like I'm already doing some great esoteric master plan instead of being a lazy bastard letting hypothetical people wanting.
But, holy shit, here we are, a quarter of the year behind us since the last entry. I've been horribly bogged down with maintaining my grades in pursuit of my degree. I've been alerted that I apparently have to waste one more semester before I graduate. I have 9 units of upper division electives to do. So my degree is literally being held ransom for 36 hours a week of my life and $4500 in student loans of bullshit classes. I'm already showing the first symptoms of senioritis, and I highly doubt that come Spring 2018 it's going to have gotten much better.
While I haven't written in my blog, I've had all sorts of fun on paper. I recently submitted two pieces of flash fiction and a brand new short to some contests, and I've been trying to be more active in looking for avenues to write more material. On top of completing a whole brand new story, I've been continuing my revisions and rewrites of my original short stories from Urban Legends of the Future in order to shop them as unpublished works. While this has turned into a whole shit ton of work I didn't plan on it being, it is definitely a boon for me to have at least two years of not even looking at my first book, and then seeing all of those stories again for the first time. Needless to say, a self/friend edited, self published, short story collection as my first release is not how I would do it if I could start all over again.
Especially, since I'm finding that I'm less interested in keeping the supernatural side of my series going when it comes to writing stories. With humans alone in the future years that I've been writing about, I've been writing more and more human/technological based stories opposed to ones that have any of the Lilim in it. Everyone hates vampires these days (thanks Twilight), werewolves are strictly erotica fodder (which reminds me, I need to finish parts 2 and 3 of my werewolf erotica trilogy. And again, thanks Twilight), no one gives a shit about fish monsters that aren't mermaids, and while Incubi/Succubi are still awesome to write crazy dream stories about, I haven't thought of a worthwhile story since By Starlight. I doubt I will drop it entirely, but as of right now, I'm much less excited to write futuristic horror stories than I was three years ago. Most of my supernatural writing predilection is focused more on stories set in the past 100ish years, but it's a matter of actually writing new things instead of dwelling solely on perfecting my already complete work.
I've actually been writing more crime fiction than anything else since I began Suicide Queen for NaNoWriMo, and been seeing much more success and positive feedback regarding that work. Even to the point that my short story Suicide Queen was picked up by Flumes Literary Journal for publication in their Summer 2017 issue when it gets released. I've been going back over those characters I made and I want to use them again. The whole gambling outlaw motif was a very fun one, almost in a Gotham City gang manner, and I've got a few ideas brewing in my head for The Smokin' Aces to square off a tarot card themed mirror of their power trio of pilfering in a heist race for a MacGuffin. I have a lot of ideas, but the ones that get made are another thing.
So, yeah, don't know how often or when I'll be posting in the future, but I'm not going to make a big deal about it. Dear reader, when I have news you want to know, you'll be the first one to know it.
But, holy shit, here we are, a quarter of the year behind us since the last entry. I've been horribly bogged down with maintaining my grades in pursuit of my degree. I've been alerted that I apparently have to waste one more semester before I graduate. I have 9 units of upper division electives to do. So my degree is literally being held ransom for 36 hours a week of my life and $4500 in student loans of bullshit classes. I'm already showing the first symptoms of senioritis, and I highly doubt that come Spring 2018 it's going to have gotten much better.
While I haven't written in my blog, I've had all sorts of fun on paper. I recently submitted two pieces of flash fiction and a brand new short to some contests, and I've been trying to be more active in looking for avenues to write more material. On top of completing a whole brand new story, I've been continuing my revisions and rewrites of my original short stories from Urban Legends of the Future in order to shop them as unpublished works. While this has turned into a whole shit ton of work I didn't plan on it being, it is definitely a boon for me to have at least two years of not even looking at my first book, and then seeing all of those stories again for the first time. Needless to say, a self/friend edited, self published, short story collection as my first release is not how I would do it if I could start all over again.
Especially, since I'm finding that I'm less interested in keeping the supernatural side of my series going when it comes to writing stories. With humans alone in the future years that I've been writing about, I've been writing more and more human/technological based stories opposed to ones that have any of the Lilim in it. Everyone hates vampires these days (thanks Twilight), werewolves are strictly erotica fodder (which reminds me, I need to finish parts 2 and 3 of my werewolf erotica trilogy. And again, thanks Twilight), no one gives a shit about fish monsters that aren't mermaids, and while Incubi/Succubi are still awesome to write crazy dream stories about, I haven't thought of a worthwhile story since By Starlight. I doubt I will drop it entirely, but as of right now, I'm much less excited to write futuristic horror stories than I was three years ago. Most of my supernatural writing predilection is focused more on stories set in the past 100ish years, but it's a matter of actually writing new things instead of dwelling solely on perfecting my already complete work.
I've actually been writing more crime fiction than anything else since I began Suicide Queen for NaNoWriMo, and been seeing much more success and positive feedback regarding that work. Even to the point that my short story Suicide Queen was picked up by Flumes Literary Journal for publication in their Summer 2017 issue when it gets released. I've been going back over those characters I made and I want to use them again. The whole gambling outlaw motif was a very fun one, almost in a Gotham City gang manner, and I've got a few ideas brewing in my head for The Smokin' Aces to square off a tarot card themed mirror of their power trio of pilfering in a heist race for a MacGuffin. I have a lot of ideas, but the ones that get made are another thing.
So, yeah, don't know how often or when I'll be posting in the future, but I'm not going to make a big deal about it. Dear reader, when I have news you want to know, you'll be the first one to know it.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Goodnight, Travel Well
Another weekend to another week with all sorts of stuff that happened, and not very much of it was interesting. Well, unless you enjoy hearing about people playing videogames, which I hear there's a market for that.
I've been working on edits and drafts of short stories for their rerelease. I'm going to keep my original books out on the market, but move them to free. Basically keep them like "garage days" versions of the stories that I'm releasing now. I've rewritten Heroine of a Thousand Faces and almost finished with Things that are Cold. They're retitled and are so restructured and remixed from the original version, it's almost like they're alternate universe versions of one another. Granted, the new versions of both stories are like, way better written. Or at least on the level of where I'm at now compared to where I was at when I finished the last draft. I also heard back from a couple magazines with the most positive rejection letters I've received so far. I'm invigorated to rock out some more work and touch up a couple others. I'm glad to finally have people tell me, "didn't quite make it, but please send more". That's been my #writerslife this week and the previous.
Videogamewise, I beat DOOM (2016) last night, and it was awesome as awesome can be. I finally started playing Resident Evil 6. Remember how I was playing through all the Resident Evil games last year? Well, I played all of them but 6, and it's been about the biggest disappointment so far.
It's mostly disappointing because it won't get the hell out of its own way. And I'm really not a big fan of the crossover sections where you have to essentially play the same level as a previous storyline, "but this time, two other people got their first." I don't know if that makes sense, but it sure is annoying to be cheated out of additional content because of game concept. In other Resident Evil related news, I just ordered VII from amazon. It should be here tomorrow. Yay president's day.
In the wake of finishing DOOM, and since I already played through (and loved) Wolfenstein: The New Order, I fired up the prequel, Old Blood. I played through the prologue of it, and it was like a less cool version of New Order. I'll give it some time. I found the Skyrim iron helmet. See. Look to the left. Just a little to the left. There it is! Aren't easter eggs neat?
I've enjoyed the game while I've played it, but I know that it's going to be a big one. Last time I played a modern, highly anticipated, RPG, was Fallout 4, and I sunk 2 months of my life in game time into it. And all my stuff kept getting lost underneath my house... Damn you Fallout 4! Damn you! I've been a fan of Final Fantasy since the SNES days. Final Fantasy VI was the game that solidified my love of JRPG's and I've since made my way through the entire series from start to finish multiple times. I haven't sunk more than 4 or so hours into it, but I've enjoyed my time thoroughly playing the game. I just know that FFXV is going to be a time commitment before I'm done with it. Hence why I'm "getting sidetracked" by playing shorter games.
Another weekend to another week with all sorts of stuff that happened, and not very much of it was interesting. Well, unless you enjoy hearing about people playing videogames, which I hear there's a market for that.
I've been working on edits and drafts of short stories for their rerelease. I'm going to keep my original books out on the market, but move them to free. Basically keep them like "garage days" versions of the stories that I'm releasing now. I've rewritten Heroine of a Thousand Faces and almost finished with Things that are Cold. They're retitled and are so restructured and remixed from the original version, it's almost like they're alternate universe versions of one another. Granted, the new versions of both stories are like, way better written. Or at least on the level of where I'm at now compared to where I was at when I finished the last draft. I also heard back from a couple magazines with the most positive rejection letters I've received so far. I'm invigorated to rock out some more work and touch up a couple others. I'm glad to finally have people tell me, "didn't quite make it, but please send more". That's been my #writerslife this week and the previous.
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A deserted Chinese playground is the perfect metaphor for this game. |
It's mostly disappointing because it won't get the hell out of its own way. And I'm really not a big fan of the crossover sections where you have to essentially play the same level as a previous storyline, "but this time, two other people got their first." I don't know if that makes sense, but it sure is annoying to be cheated out of additional content because of game concept. In other Resident Evil related news, I just ordered VII from amazon. It should be here tomorrow. Yay president's day.

Since I've been playing Bethesda published games, on top of playing Resident Evil, I've been looking to play The Evil Within for... over a year now. So that's on my horizon. I've been trying to chip away at my game catalog as best as I can, and I've thankfully been getting it done. Especially since I've finally been spending time with Final Fantasy XV, rolling with the homies on my bro trip.
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"Isn't being rich awesome?!" |
Fitting in time for media is a very serious affair. Much like I've been back to binging on Buffy, and have started Angel as well. The missus and I are groaning through the last season of Hell on Wheels. We have 3 episodes left and man, it started out as such a great western. Since I'm watching Buffy again, I finished season 3, so I'll be writing a recap soon. Since I'm watching each episode back to back, I'm on S4e4 of Buffy and S1e4 of Angel. I'd like to do my season 3 recap before I get to the end. As of now, I'm standing on season 3 being my favorite season. That could possibly change at any moment.
Alright, what games I'm playing, what I've been watching, and what work I've been doing. I think we're all wrapped up here. And this is where I leave you with the final final chapter of To Slice The Sky.
This is the epilogue, and was again well received as an ending on reddit. I'm pleased with the ending I landed on, but still feel like I could make it a little tweaking when I do my next pass over. So, with that, I leave you with the tail end of this serial novel that will turn itself into a traditional novel with a little bit of final buffing and stitching.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Arguing with the Deus Ex Machina
I really was planning on making good on my tweet earlier this week, but instead I made other decisions. This week was a really boring week where all I did was work for monetary and scholastic gain. Otherwise, working on some story rewrites and coming up with great revisions. Should be on sale through Amazon, Smashwords, and other fine eBook retailers by spring.
I'm nursing a hangover from a pub crawl last night, so this is going to be short and sweet. Today's post is the final chapter of To Slice The Sky's thrilling conclusion. Yes, we are finally here.
The ending was well received on its round through reddit, and I hope that you feel similarly. I'm gonna get back to drinking water and eating spicy food to sweat out all this beer.

The ending was well received on its round through reddit, and I hope that you feel similarly. I'm gonna get back to drinking water and eating spicy food to sweat out all this beer.
genre fiction,
science fiction,
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Year of the Cock
你好, 新年快乐!
Are there other people out there who wonder when they'll forget the lyrics to Ice, Ice, Baby? Besides Robert Van Winkle.
It's one of those songs where I'll never do it for karaoke, it never comes on randomly in people's cars or on the radio, it's just a dark stain of the hip-hop boom of 1990. When MC Hammer pants and Cross-Colors were the shiz, right before Ice Cube told us we could New Jack Swing from his nuts. But really, I think that Ice, Ice, Baby only exists as bad fever dreams in the minds of white kids that love '90s hip-hop, even if its video has 151 million+ plays. After all, the man himself symbolically wrecked the tape in the presence of Janeane Garofalo, Jon Stewart, Dennis Leary, and--for some reason--Chris Kattan. No offense, Chris. Just, let's be real. Your cultural relevance in 2007 was about as strong as Vanilla Ice's, and he released a Nu Metal album
Okay, mid blog-writing I ended up in a Wikipedia hole. Did you know that Vanilla Ice is a Juggalo and signed to Psychopathic Records? He's also invited to be a part of the Juggalo March on Washington come September. Miracles, yo. Water, fire, air and dirt.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the Juggalos are the ones that truly end up healing America? But like, hilarious in the actual way where it would make you laugh so much it would drive you almost insane. It only could take a clown to make America smile again.
Aside from triggering people, I watched the animated Killing Joke last night. I'm going to be vague and assume you already know about Alan Moore's The Killing Joke in hopes that if you have no clue what I'm talking about, you'll want to experience it.
The film was great without all that pointless, winking, nodding, opening hour. Like, they even open the movie by going, "oh, bet you didn't expect it to open this way." *waggle eyebrows* *winkwinknudgenudge* *smackpunchkick* *dropanvil* DID YOU GET IT YET? THIS IS ALL NEW STUFF THAT HAS NO CONNECTION TO THE SOURCE MATERIAL! And then proceeds to have a completely separate and not even worked into the narrative hour of Batgirl/Batman erotic fan-fic. Like, it wasn't unwatchable, but it really had nothing better to do than oversexualize Barbra Gordon, and reframe the Joker's actions for a less ambiguity. Regardless of the weird overly sexual and violent criminal chase, Tara Strong is just as great as ever voicing Barbra, with emotion and that bit of cocksure swagger she has. She did amazing while working with unfortunate consequences of an ill planned stitch-job onto the beginning.
Which is really weird, because the second half, the actual comic portion of the film, was perfect. Oh sweet baby jane, it was like coming home again. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill's performances were amazing, much as they have been. But Hamill's Joker now carries a whisp of age, and palookanishness, borrowed from John DiMaggio's work in Under the Red Hood. Much like the DC Animated The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke is lovingly recreated in fluid motion on the screen in an almost shot for shot translation from the recolored version. It captures the already cinematic essence of Brian Bolland's artwork, coupled with the framing of each shot. It was just as chilling and unnerving as the comic itself. The supplemental material unfortunately recontextualizes The Killing Joke into a definite statement, instead of an ambiguous one. It takes away the mystery by giving answers. Which is bullshit, because what makes the original piece so great is that, while it overtly shows one path to madness, we peak into plenty of other doors along the way. It leaves the notion of Batman as a tool of justice or a dispenser of vengeance hanging in the air, letting the reader take their own interpretation from it with what's in their hearts.
If Bruce Timm and Brian Azzarello wanted to make that into a stand alone, I'd watch it. It was one of those things that was well done, but just kinda enforces a Running the Asylum type of feeling to Batman. At this point, the character has no true canon outside the characters and origins. Everything that happens in between is made up on the fly within a rough context of loose Batman tags. Dresses in black, rich kid whose parents were shot in Crime Alley and it made him want to fight crime, has an invincible butler named Alfred. You can fill in the logic in between depending on which comic Age you're in. But really, this was not the worst appearance of Batgirl/woman in cinematic history (thank's, Batman + Robin. Sorry, Alicia Silverstone) and anyone who says otherwise is trolling for internet points.
I really don't know why I get so fired up about The Killing Joke. It's one of my favorite comics, and I've seen so many people pushing their team's agenda in arguments about it over the last few years. Internet comments sections are were dreams go to die.
So, aside from more Batman related actions, I'm reading back through To Slice The Sky now that it's complete. I'm really enjoying it. I know it's egotistical to praise your own work, but I just find it hard to believe that I wrote something so fun. To be fair, I pretty much wrote it to entertain myself. I'm halfway through reading, at chapter 19, and there's thankfully only one glaring plothole I wrote in at the end that I need to fix. Most of the stuff I want to fix is cosmetic to help with flow.
I've also been adding to my new story, tentatively titled Beta Test. Try saying that one aloud. No, really, go for it, I'll wait.
Done? Good job, gold star!
But, yeah, I know where I want to go with the story finally. Now, it's a matter of writing it. Though it feels like my memory has been slipping recently, even though no one around me seems to have noticed. I should probably get it down faster than I am.
I've also given myself a lot of extra work regarding releasing shorts and such. I'm looking into different Patreon strategies, granted that would require me to be consistent and think of realistic prizes. Now that I have access to better desktop publishing features, I'm spending this year trying to expand my brand and actually have people know who the hell I am and what I do.
All of this is guided by faithful readers like yourself, looking at the process before the product. I'm sure most of the clicks I get are from bots, but if there are for real people out there reading this, that I don't know personally, thank you. And for my friends that give me pity clicks, you're all winners in my book. No, really, you are. And no I won't pay you for likeness rights. I'm not even getting paid for your likeness.
So, after all that book and reading talk, here's what's going to earn all those hashtags when I share this post. When I was coming up with names for our heroes, I knew I was going to name a chapter this title. Part 3/4 of the thrilling climax of To Slice The Sky! On tonight's exciting episode: Tripping the Light Fantastic, Trip descends into the bowels of Roplaxive Pharmaceuticals Headquarters with naught but a bucket of tools and a trusty robot companion. Can he and Decker succeed in their plan of shutting down the Biodroid's hive mind? Continue on, dear reader, and find out!
Are there other people out there who wonder when they'll forget the lyrics to Ice, Ice, Baby? Besides Robert Van Winkle.
It's one of those songs where I'll never do it for karaoke, it never comes on randomly in people's cars or on the radio, it's just a dark stain of the hip-hop boom of 1990. When MC Hammer pants and Cross-Colors were the shiz, right before Ice Cube told us we could New Jack Swing from his nuts. But really, I think that Ice, Ice, Baby only exists as bad fever dreams in the minds of white kids that love '90s hip-hop, even if its video has 151 million+ plays. After all, the man himself symbolically wrecked the tape in the presence of Janeane Garofalo, Jon Stewart, Dennis Leary, and--for some reason--Chris Kattan. No offense, Chris. Just, let's be real. Your cultural relevance in 2007 was about as strong as Vanilla Ice's, and he released a Nu Metal album
Okay, mid blog-writing I ended up in a Wikipedia hole. Did you know that Vanilla Ice is a Juggalo and signed to Psychopathic Records? He's also invited to be a part of the Juggalo March on Washington come September. Miracles, yo. Water, fire, air and dirt.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the Juggalos are the ones that truly end up healing America? But like, hilarious in the actual way where it would make you laugh so much it would drive you almost insane. It only could take a clown to make America smile again.
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"Smile!" |
The film was great without all that pointless, winking, nodding, opening hour. Like, they even open the movie by going, "oh, bet you didn't expect it to open this way." *waggle eyebrows* *winkwinknudgenudge* *smackpunchkick* *dropanvil* DID YOU GET IT YET? THIS IS ALL NEW STUFF THAT HAS NO CONNECTION TO THE SOURCE MATERIAL! And then proceeds to have a completely separate and not even worked into the narrative hour of Batgirl/Batman erotic fan-fic. Like, it wasn't unwatchable, but it really had nothing better to do than oversexualize Barbra Gordon, and reframe the Joker's actions for a less ambiguity. Regardless of the weird overly sexual and violent criminal chase, Tara Strong is just as great as ever voicing Barbra, with emotion and that bit of cocksure swagger she has. She did amazing while working with unfortunate consequences of an ill planned stitch-job onto the beginning.
Which is really weird, because the second half, the actual comic portion of the film, was perfect. Oh sweet baby jane, it was like coming home again. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill's performances were amazing, much as they have been. But Hamill's Joker now carries a whisp of age, and palookanishness, borrowed from John DiMaggio's work in Under the Red Hood. Much like the DC Animated The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke is lovingly recreated in fluid motion on the screen in an almost shot for shot translation from the recolored version. It captures the already cinematic essence of Brian Bolland's artwork, coupled with the framing of each shot. It was just as chilling and unnerving as the comic itself. The supplemental material unfortunately recontextualizes The Killing Joke into a definite statement, instead of an ambiguous one. It takes away the mystery by giving answers. Which is bullshit, because what makes the original piece so great is that, while it overtly shows one path to madness, we peak into plenty of other doors along the way. It leaves the notion of Batman as a tool of justice or a dispenser of vengeance hanging in the air, letting the reader take their own interpretation from it with what's in their hearts.
If Bruce Timm and Brian Azzarello wanted to make that into a stand alone, I'd watch it. It was one of those things that was well done, but just kinda enforces a Running the Asylum type of feeling to Batman. At this point, the character has no true canon outside the characters and origins. Everything that happens in between is made up on the fly within a rough context of loose Batman tags. Dresses in black, rich kid whose parents were shot in Crime Alley and it made him want to fight crime, has an invincible butler named Alfred. You can fill in the logic in between depending on which comic Age you're in. But really, this was not the worst appearance of Batgirl/woman in cinematic history (thank's, Batman + Robin. Sorry, Alicia Silverstone) and anyone who says otherwise is trolling for internet points.
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"It takes a real wildcard to come up with that." |
I really don't know why I get so fired up about The Killing Joke. It's one of my favorite comics, and I've seen so many people pushing their team's agenda in arguments about it over the last few years. Internet comments sections are were dreams go to die.
So, aside from more Batman related actions, I'm reading back through To Slice The Sky now that it's complete. I'm really enjoying it. I know it's egotistical to praise your own work, but I just find it hard to believe that I wrote something so fun. To be fair, I pretty much wrote it to entertain myself. I'm halfway through reading, at chapter 19, and there's thankfully only one glaring plothole I wrote in at the end that I need to fix. Most of the stuff I want to fix is cosmetic to help with flow.
I've also been adding to my new story, tentatively titled Beta Test. Try saying that one aloud. No, really, go for it, I'll wait.
Done? Good job, gold star!
But, yeah, I know where I want to go with the story finally. Now, it's a matter of writing it. Though it feels like my memory has been slipping recently, even though no one around me seems to have noticed. I should probably get it down faster than I am.
I've also given myself a lot of extra work regarding releasing shorts and such. I'm looking into different Patreon strategies, granted that would require me to be consistent and think of realistic prizes. Now that I have access to better desktop publishing features, I'm spending this year trying to expand my brand and actually have people know who the hell I am and what I do.
All of this is guided by faithful readers like yourself, looking at the process before the product. I'm sure most of the clicks I get are from bots, but if there are for real people out there reading this, that I don't know personally, thank you. And for my friends that give me pity clicks, you're all winners in my book. No, really, you are. And no I won't pay you for likeness rights. I'm not even getting paid for your likeness.
So, after all that book and reading talk, here's what's going to earn all those hashtags when I share this post. When I was coming up with names for our heroes, I knew I was going to name a chapter this title. Part 3/4 of the thrilling climax of To Slice The Sky! On tonight's exciting episode: Tripping the Light Fantastic, Trip descends into the bowels of Roplaxive Pharmaceuticals Headquarters with naught but a bucket of tools and a trusty robot companion. Can he and Decker succeed in their plan of shutting down the Biodroid's hive mind? Continue on, dear reader, and find out!
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"Won't you play with me...forever?" |
genre fiction,
new release,
science fiction,
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Sad bastard music.
Look at me, leaving you hanging right at the end.
This week has been a struggle to get through, especially since it seems that everyone I come in contact with seems to find me distasteful just for being myself. Needless to say, it left me in a state where I very much didn't want to create content for something where all it contains is me. I'm sure everyone feels like they don't belong in the world, but I know not everyone takes it that hard.
So, yeah, I'm lonely, frustrated, and depressed. That's why I didn't post until Saturday after starting the year off OK and then some. I'll spare you from ranting about my first world problems of feeling unfulfilled in life while living in the largest major metropolitan county in the richest and most populated state in America, here's some good things that happened.
I made French Onion Soup for the first time, so that was cool. Granted, for my first time making it, I also didn't really make it, since I added in beef chunks and topped it with bacon. So good. It's definitely soup weather, since it's been raining non-stop. Not like California doesn't need it, but, I'm tired of being out in it.
I also made a Guinness beef pot pie, but I didn't take any pictures of it. It's a pie. Not much is photogenic about meat pie.
School's continuing to go well, now that the new semester has begun. My Short Stories class has been interesting so far. But, since it has over 60 students enrolled, it's not very engaging on a classwork level. I'm pretty much posting A level work to be ignored by goobs that get away with writing a paragraph generally with no depth or insight. And all the low hanging fruit pickers comment on those posts, lazy bastards. It's not like it's my grade that's going to suffer, but it's just another example of trying so hard, and getting so far, but in the end, it doesn't really matter.
Math has been insular, and mostly me just chugging through the daily work, trying to maintain as high a grade as possible. It's pretty much cheating, since I'm taking the lowest level of required Math, because of course my previous units didn't transfer. But being a basic college level math class, the other students attending it are pretty damn dumb. On the class forum, someone actually asked where the Roman numeral keys were on a keyboard. If you're also currently wondering that, there's no hope for you.
I'm already on week 3/8 for this session, and all I want is for it to be over. I want this year to be over to move on with the next one. Just hoping I can maintain my schedule of actually graduating by end of year.
My fiancée and I have officially begun wedding planning. My responsibility is looking for a DJ and catering, and all things entertainmentwise. So it's my job to make sure a party half in my honor is fun for everyone else who attends. What kind of twisted world do we live in where this has become an expected tradition? We haven't even gotten close to the nitty gritty of planning and already I'm longing for the days when marriage was little more than contract negotiations with a ceremony paid for by the father of the bride. I say nuts to this modern liberated woman business and saddle me up with 3 fatted calves and a parcel of land. If you've ever wondered why boorish and outdated modes of thought are still prevalent to this day, it's because the alternative takes too much work.
If you're confused how I can talk about being lonely when I'm also prepping to be married, let me quote OKGO's song, "The House Wins": You don't have to be alone to be lonely.
And in the best news, which will segue into our next part, I'm officially done with my draft of To Slice The Sky. Yay! 🎉🎊🎈
Now that I'm done with the novel for my second time, I'm currently giving it a read through and seeing what needs to be tightened up and fixed. The beginning needs a bit of work to catch up with the end, but it's all manageable. I was pretty surprised that it jumped in word count instead of shrinking with all the cutting I've done. There's entire chapters that were excised and changed, and whole swatches of useless first draft junk removed.
Today's chapter for TSTS picks up on Decker's side of the plan to deal with all of our problems with New America. While Trip is infiltrating Roplaxive's east coast servers, Decker is on the side of the country where the actual fighting of the clone rebellion is taking place. There, he's tasked with making sure that Gene Works Inc.'s rogue AI gets shut down before its infection spreads beyond the neuronet and into the real world. So here's part 2/4 of our climax. I posted it on New Years Eve on reddit to try and be all symbolic since the whole plan takes place on New Years Eve. However, because of that, or because this chapter sucks, or because the new title I gave it is dumb, it was wholly ignored. So... have fun!
Fat dog.
This week has been a struggle to get through, especially since it seems that everyone I come in contact with seems to find me distasteful just for being myself. Needless to say, it left me in a state where I very much didn't want to create content for something where all it contains is me. I'm sure everyone feels like they don't belong in the world, but I know not everyone takes it that hard.
So, yeah, I'm lonely, frustrated, and depressed. That's why I didn't post until Saturday after starting the year off OK and then some. I'll spare you from ranting about my first world problems of feeling unfulfilled in life while living in the largest major metropolitan county in the richest and most populated state in America, here's some good things that happened.
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Soup inside |
I also made a Guinness beef pot pie, but I didn't take any pictures of it. It's a pie. Not much is photogenic about meat pie.
School's continuing to go well, now that the new semester has begun. My Short Stories class has been interesting so far. But, since it has over 60 students enrolled, it's not very engaging on a classwork level. I'm pretty much posting A level work to be ignored by goobs that get away with writing a paragraph generally with no depth or insight. And all the low hanging fruit pickers comment on those posts, lazy bastards. It's not like it's my grade that's going to suffer, but it's just another example of trying so hard, and getting so far, but in the end, it doesn't really matter.
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Math has been insular, and mostly me just chugging through the daily work, trying to maintain as high a grade as possible. It's pretty much cheating, since I'm taking the lowest level of required Math, because of course my previous units didn't transfer. But being a basic college level math class, the other students attending it are pretty damn dumb. On the class forum, someone actually asked where the Roman numeral keys were on a keyboard. If you're also currently wondering that, there's no hope for you.
I'm already on week 3/8 for this session, and all I want is for it to be over. I want this year to be over to move on with the next one. Just hoping I can maintain my schedule of actually graduating by end of year.
My fiancée and I have officially begun wedding planning. My responsibility is looking for a DJ and catering, and all things entertainmentwise. So it's my job to make sure a party half in my honor is fun for everyone else who attends. What kind of twisted world do we live in where this has become an expected tradition? We haven't even gotten close to the nitty gritty of planning and already I'm longing for the days when marriage was little more than contract negotiations with a ceremony paid for by the father of the bride. I say nuts to this modern liberated woman business and saddle me up with 3 fatted calves and a parcel of land. If you've ever wondered why boorish and outdated modes of thought are still prevalent to this day, it's because the alternative takes too much work.
If you're confused how I can talk about being lonely when I'm also prepping to be married, let me quote OKGO's song, "The House Wins": You don't have to be alone to be lonely.
And in the best news, which will segue into our next part, I'm officially done with my draft of To Slice The Sky. Yay! 🎉🎊🎈
Now that I'm done with the novel for my second time, I'm currently giving it a read through and seeing what needs to be tightened up and fixed. The beginning needs a bit of work to catch up with the end, but it's all manageable. I was pretty surprised that it jumped in word count instead of shrinking with all the cutting I've done. There's entire chapters that were excised and changed, and whole swatches of useless first draft junk removed.
Today's chapter for TSTS picks up on Decker's side of the plan to deal with all of our problems with New America. While Trip is infiltrating Roplaxive's east coast servers, Decker is on the side of the country where the actual fighting of the clone rebellion is taking place. There, he's tasked with making sure that Gene Works Inc.'s rogue AI gets shut down before its infection spreads beyond the neuronet and into the real world. So here's part 2/4 of our climax. I posted it on New Years Eve on reddit to try and be all symbolic since the whole plan takes place on New Years Eve. However, because of that, or because this chapter sucks, or because the new title I gave it is dumb, it was wholly ignored. So... have fun!
Fat dog.
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"I'm not fat. I'm just drawn that way." |
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